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On 20 October AEIP submitted its feedback on the European Commission’s Call for Evidence on Strengthening Social Dialogue. AEIP’s response can be accessed here. In its input, AEIP stressed that it welcomes the call for evidence on strengthening social dialogue in the EU and considers it as an important step towards reconciling the European growth agenda with social rights and to support the implementation of Principle 8 of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR). Furthermore, AEIP highlights that adequate and sustainable social protection systems can be designed through the paritarian model and the involvement of social partners at national ...
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AEIP is happy to  join as an official partner the 21st edition of L'AGEFI's European Finance Forum  (formerly known as the Global Invest Forum) on Wednesday, 5th October at the Peninsula in Paris. The European Finance Forum will keep on focusing around the main challenges faced by the asset management industry, but will also include a deeper dive into regulatory changes and major issues for the finance industry in general, 2 facets that our editorial team will make sure to cover during this full-day event. his summit is the European #1 event for the Investors and the Finance industry in ...
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On 7 September, the European Commission published the European Care Strategy for caregivers and care receivers. Through this strategy, the European Commission sets an agenda to support Member States in designing efficient policies to reform care as well as to improve the situation for both carers and care receivers. It calls for boosting access to quality, affordable and accessible care services and improving working conditions and work-life balance for carers. AEIP welcomes the European Care Strategy recognising it as a first step towards strengthening the provision of long-term care and providing better support to informal carers. In its position paper, ...
/ News, Position Papers
On 18th July AEIP provided input on the Public Consultation of EIOPA regarding the regular information requests to national competent authorities (NCAs) for occupational pension information. In its consultation response AEIP highlighted that there are no compelling arguments to justify amending the existing requirements, given the cost impact of these changes especially for small and mid-sized IORPs and it remains too early to have a review of the previous information request. It would be appropriate to initiate potential new requirements after the review of the IORP II Directive, which is still in the process of full implementation and in all ...
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Following the adoption at the European Parliament of the EMPL/FEMM Report “Towards a common European action on care (2021/2253(INI))” on 5 July, AEIP joined a coalition of civil society organisations to endorse the resolution towards the European Commission. On 13 July 2022, the coalition sent a joint letter to the responsible Commissioners - Commission Vice-President for Demography and Democracy, Dubravka Šuica, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli, in order to make sure that the European Commission takes into account the EMPL/FEMM report in drafting the EU Care Strategy communication, foreseen for the 7th ...
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In the afternoon of 29th November 2022, AEIP and PensionsEurope are organizing a joint webinar on the topic of: (E)SG: Social and Governance factors in pensions. The event is part of the second edition of the European Retirement Week. The joint webinar aims to bring together pension fund representatives, experts, academics, policy makers, and stakeholders to discuss the opportunities and challenges for pension funds in implementing the objectives of the European policy framework on sustainable finance. The webinar will focus especially on diversity in pension funds’ management bodies and on the integration of social and governance considerations in investment decisions ...
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European Care systems: Solidarity and sustainability – friends or foes? The European Association of Paritarian Funds – AEIP and the International Association of Mutual Benefit societies – AIM are co-organising an hybrid event entitled “The European Care Strategy: Solidarity and sustainability - friends or foes?”, hosted at the European Parliament by MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen, in the morning of 6 September 2022,  between 10h – 12h CET. The event will gather EU-level key stakeholders, policymakers as well as experts from social protection institutions, healthcare mutuals, carers and other stakeholders. The discussions in the event will focus on how both the sustainability ...
/ News, Position Papers
AEIP adopted its position paper on the European Care Strategy and Long-Term Care (LTC) in view of the upcoming developments at the level of the European Parliament. In its position, AEIP stresses its support for the European Commission’s commitment in ensuring timely access to good quality and affordable healthcare to European citizens at all life stages. We stress the added value of the involvement of European paritarian institutions of social protection to support EU citizens in the process of finding high-quality care and ensuring work-life balance for carers both at the EU and national level. The paper calls the European ...
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AEIP’s Annual Conference for 2022 aims to bring together a wide range of experts from different policy fields, in order to discuss the crucial role of paritarian institutions of social protection in the transformation of the welfare models of the 21st century, which the European institutions are now addressing through important policy initiatives. Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, the traditional welfare state models in Europe have been well under pressure to adapt to multiple new challenges stemming from long-term developments as the demographic trends in Europe and changing labour markets. The outbreak of the pandemic accelerated developments in some of ...
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AEIP is delighted to join the 2022 World Pensions Forum & ESG Summit in Paris, 6 & 7 July 2022, a global event organised by the World Pensions Council (WPC) and G7 Pensions Dialogue (G7 P7). This conference, held on the heels of the 48th meeting of the Group of Seven, will bring together the institutional asset owners, board members and policy thinkers who pioneered notions such as SDG-driven investment, climate finance, infrastructure as a ‘new asset class’ and employee capitalism. The conference will also feature a special presentation on ‘Sustainability & The EU Social Taxonomy’, by Aleksandra Kaydzhiyska, Executive ...
