AEIP adopts its position paper on the European Care Strategy and Long-Term Care (LTC)

AEIP adopted its position paper on the European Care Strategy and Long-Term Care (LTC) in view of the upcoming developments at the level of the European Parliament. In its position, AEIP stresses its support for the European Commission’s commitment in ensuring timely access to good quality and affordable healthcare to European citizens at all life stages. We stress the added value of the involvement of European paritarian institutions of social protection to support EU citizens in the process of finding high-quality care and ensuring work-life balance for carers both at the EU and national level.
The paper calls the European Commission to better target its Country Specific Recommendations within the European Semester and help governments to consider the resources allocated in the healthcare and LTC branches as a valuable investment rather than an economic burden.
Last but not the least, AEIP believes that an EU policy framework on long-term care should be built on an integrated approach between social and healthcare service providers, operating both in the private and public domain, and it should take in to account the clinical, family, economic and environmental contexts.
The full AEIP position paper is available here.