
/ Press Releases
Karas: Grenzüberschreitende Pensionskassen einfacher machen Click here for more. Veuillez cliquer ici pour en savoir plus ...
/ Press Releases
Juncker's investment plan gets lukewarm reception at the AEIP event on February 2, 2015. Click here for more. Le plan Juncker pour l'investissement est chaleuresement accueilli au cours de l'événement organisé par l'AEIP le 2 février 2015. Veuillez cliquer ici pour en savoir plus ...
/ Press Releases
February 23 - After-Work Seminar Cocktail Long-term Investment and the Juncker’s plan: Which Roles for Pension Funds, Social Insurers & other Institutional Investors? During this seminar, participants discussed about long term investments and their role for Pension Funds, Social Insurers & other Institutional Investors. 70 participants attended the seminar which took place in the AEIP premises, 24 rue Montoyer – 1000 Brussels... Le 23 février - After-Work Séminaire Cocktail L'investissement à long-terme et le plan Juncker: quel rôle jouent-ils pour les fonds de penison, les assurances sociales et les autres investisseurs institutionnels ? Lors de ce séminaire, les participants ont discuté ...
/ Press Releases
Cross Borders Pensions in the EU : The Austrian Project Breakfast meeting hosted by MEP Othmar KARAS entitled : “Cross Borders Pensions in the EU: The Austrian Project.” On 24th February 2015, AEIP co-hosted with the Austrian MEP Othmar Karas, a breakfast meeting presenting the Austrian project of the first paritarian sectorial pension scheme that will aspire to be managed on a cross border level. Pensions transfrontalières dans l'UE: le projet autrichien Réunion pétit-déjeuner organisé par le député Othmar Karas entitulé : "les pensions transfrontalières en Europe: le projet autrichien". Le 24 février 2015, l'AEIP a co-animé avec le député autrichien ...
/ Press Releases
In January 2015, the European Project entitled "Towards a European Social ID in the construction industry?" has been successfully completed with the adoption of its final report. The project was launched by the European social partners of the construction industry, the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) and European Construction Industry federation (FIEC) in January 2014 and was funded by the European Union. En janvier 2015, le projet européen intitulé "Vers la carte d'identité sociale européenne dans le secteur de la construction ?" a été accompli avec succès. De plus, l'accomplissement du projet a terminé par l'adoption de son ...
In a deleveraging world where banks are facing stricter capital requirements, there is a clear need to find new sources to finance long term projects. Infrastructure and long term investing are placed very high on the international political agenda. Today many policy makers want pension funds and not for profit insurance to support the economy and there is a widespread consensus that these actors should and could do more. AEIP reminds that pension funds and not for profit insurance are indeed long-term investors, but they should first abide by their fiduciary duty towards their members and cannot solve the infrastructure ...
/ Archives, Press Releases
In a deleveraging world where banks are facing stricter capital requirements, there is a clear need to find new sources to finance long term projects. Infrastructure and long term investing are placed very high on the international political agenda. Today many policy makers want pension funds and not for profit insurance to support the economy and there is a widespread consensus that these actors should and could do more. AEIP reminds that pension funds and not for profit insurance are indeed long-term investors, but they should first abide by their fiduciary duty towards their members and cannot solve the infrastructure ...
/ Archives, Press Releases
AEIP ACTIVITY REPORT - WORD OF THE PRESIDENT 2013 has been a remarkable year for the European Associa­tion of Paritarian Institutions of Social Protection. In 2013 AEIP updated its priorities and identified the most important dossiers to focus on. As for pensions, AEIP decided to focus its efforts on the impact of the European Semester on the design of the national pension systems; the develop­ments in the EU coordination of social security systems. AEIP also committed to preserving the different EU occupational pensions models, without being imposed a one-size-fits-all solvency framework, inspired by Solvency II, and to work on the ...
/ Archives, Position Papers
Position paper on IORP II directive proposal AEIP welcomes the fact that the IORP II directive does not involve new quantitative requirements and subscribes to the idea of good governance and clear information to scheme members, in a proportionate way, without bearing excessive costs that would eventually be borne by European workers and companies ...
/ Archives, Press Releases
Position paper on IORP II directive proposal AEIP welcomes the fact that the IORP II directive does not involve new quantitative requirements and subscribes to the idea of good governance and clear information to scheme members, in a proportionate way, without bearing excessive costs that would eventually be borne by European workers and companies ...
