AEIP calls for the full respect of platform workers’ right to social protection

On 11 March 2024 AEIP published a statement in light of the Employment and Social affairs ministers meeting in which they will seek to approve the provisional agreement between the Council and the European Parliament on new rules aimed at improving conditions for platform workers. The main objectives of the proposal for a Platform work Directive are to enhance the working conditions and social rights of people working through digital labour platforms. The European Association of Paritarian Institutions (AEIP) welcomes this initiative and calls for the full respect of platform workers’ right to social protection.
In our statement we explain that a comprehensive Platform work Directive needs to ensure social protection for platform workers, recognise the important role of social partners, promote fairness in the labour market and increase transparency on the use of algorithm systems in the workplace. Additionally, we stress the importance of tackling the risk of misclassification and bogus self-employment. These issues not only undermine the labour and social security rights of individuals but also lead to lost contributions to national social security systems and occupational social protection schemes, jeopardize the collective bargaining process and foster unfair competition.
Also we mention that the provisional agreement reached between the European Parliament and the Council, in December 2023, marks a significant advancement in safeguarding platform workers’ right to social protection and is a positive step toward implementing the EPSR. With this in mind, we call on the EU co-legislators to build upon their provisional agreement. Failure to reach an agreement would represent a missed opportunity for social Europe. This is crucial for improving the well-being and social protection of all workers and promoting more resilient economic structures in light of the evolving world of work.
Our full statement is available here.