
/ News, Press Releases
The European Association of Paritarian Institutions (AEIP) has submitted its input to the EIOPA’s Consultation on technical advice for the review of the IORP II Directive. AEIP commends EIOPA for the opportunity to comment on the IORP II review and for the productive communication and constructive dialogue throughout the process. We appreciate that EIOPA does not foresee changes to the minimum harmonization character of this Directive and welcome that the consultation paper considers venues to enhance proportionality. However, we emphasize the need for a more comprehensive consideration of this crucial principle also in EIOPA’s opinions and guidance. While AEIP recognizes ...
/ News
On 25 April, AEIP published a statement, shared with several Member States, including Sweden, to urge the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union to exclude the construction sector from the exemption for short posting periods and business trips and to foster better cooperation between Member States to prevent social dumping and impact the lives of millions of citizens. European paritarian institutions are particularly concerned by the inclusion of the exemption to prior notification for short posting periods and business trips for the construction sector in the Swedish Presidency’s text of the coordination of social security regulations revision ...
/ News
The 14th edition of the World Pension Alliance & Transatlantic Conference will take place from 14 to 16 June, 9h00 – 17h00 EST in Boston The 14th edition of the World Pension Alliance and Transatlantic Conference is organized by the National Coordinating Committee for Multiemployer Plans (NCCMP), the World Pension Alliance and the Transatlantic partnership, consisting of NCCMP, the European Association of Paritarian Institutions  (AEIP), and the Multi-employer Benefit Plan Council of Canada (MEBCO). NCCMP, has the pleasure of hosting the 2023 World Pension Alliance & Transatlantic Conference at the Hilton Back Bay in historic Boston, Massachusetts,.on 14th June (focus on pensions), ...
/ News, Press Releases
The European Association of Paritarian Institutions (AEIP) has announced the appointment of Simone Miotto as its new Executive Director. Simone will lead and coordinate the organization's lobby activities and represent it at the European and international level. This appointment is a significant step in advancing AEIP's agenda of promoting paritarian social protection schemes in Europe. Simone Miotto brings exceptional expertise to AEIP from his past experience as Senior Policy Adviser at PensionsEurope. His sound knowledge of pension funds and their legal framework, coupled with his proven track record of engagement with European institutions and EU decision-making, makes him an excellent ...
/ News, Position Papers
In view of the ongoing discussions on the open finance framework AEIP has adopted today its position and invites EU stakeholders to consider the points raised to ensure the proper functioning of the occupational pension funds and the protection of the interests of members and beneficiaries. AEIP welcomes the initiative on open finance and makes the following observations in relation to pension funds: The scope of the framework should be clearly defined: second pillar pension funds are inherently different from other financial market entities this stems from the fact that they play an important social role in adequate social protection ...
/ News, Position Papers
Last week AEIP submitted its feedback to the Commission’s call for evidence on 2023 Strategic Foresight Report. The 2023 Strategic Foresight Report focuses on the future of the EU’s social and economic sustainability. AEIP welcomes the European Commission’s call for evidence on the 2023 Strategic Foresight Report which aims to help the European Union to be prepared for climate and environmental challenges while also strengthening its efforts to increase the wellbeing, prosperity and security of its current and future population. AEIP recognizes that climate change as well as the deterioration of our natural environment and biodiversity represents a huge challenge ...
/ News
AEIP has submitted today its input to the Commission’s call for feedback on the proposal for a directive harmonising certain aspects of insolvency law. In our input we underline that pension funds honour their pension obligations as well as welcome efficient insolvency procedures for investors that can lead to a better functioning Capital Market Union. We point out that the current proposal insufficiently respects employees’ rights. In this aspect the proposal should complement the already applicable national insolvency rules and recognise national approaches and procedures that protect the interests of members and beneficiaries of pension schemes in case a sponsoring ...
/ News
This week AEIP and PensionsEurope have shared to EIOPA their joint response on the first climate stress test for IORPs. In our position we thank EIOPA for the good communication and constructive dialogue during the preparations and exercise of EIOPA 2022 IORP stress test. In general, we support a climate stress test with a focus on transition risks. We welcome the fact that the scenario was not a double-hit scenario, which would have made it more unrealistic. Yet, this also contained some unnecessary complexity and burden for IORPs. We recommend that a cash flow analysis would have been a better ...
/ News, Press Releases
On 6 February, upon the proposal of the French Prime Minister, Brigitte Pisa, President of Agirc-Arrco and AEIP, was presented with the insigna of Chevalier in the National Order of the Legion of Honour. The ceremony, was hosted in the Salle des colonnes of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (EESC) in Paris. This was an excellent opportunity to celebrate a successful career in the field of social protection, which Mrs. Pisa has been active in with various significant roles and mandates in social protection institutions as well as in the field of administrative and accounting standards.   Mrs Pisa ...
/ News, Press Releases
On 7 February 2023 the launch event of the report of the High-Level Group on the Future of the Welfare State took place. In its final report, the High-Level Group developed a vision on how to reinforce social protection systems and the welfare state considering ongoing and new challenges, in a medium to long-term (looking ahead to 2030). The conclusions of the report underscore the importance of an inclusive and fair welfare state to minimise social risks and mitigate economic hardship, while supporting economic output and individual well-being. A modern welfare state should provide strong buffers against economic shocks and ...
