Information Sharing Agreements (ISA Project)
AEIP is currently working on a project funded by the European Commission on setting up Information Sharing Agreements for the posting of workers in the Construction Sector.
The project is funded by the European Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) and is aimed as ‘cooperation’ and ‘evidence’ action addressing transnational cooperation in the field of posting of workers. The project is aimed as ‘cooperation’ and ‘evidence’ action addressing transnational cooperation in the field of posting of workers. It is the result of the acknowledgement that administrative cooperation is key for guaranteeing a proper application of the EU rules on posting of workers. The action is led by the AEIP member – the Joint National Committee for Buildings Workers’ Welfare Funds (Casse Edili – CNCE), with the support of Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini – FGB, and involves a partner in each covered country, namely: Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Bulgaria, Romania and Poland.
AEIP supports and reinforces dissemination and information exchange on the project activities at the European level and beyond the set of core countries.
The project’s objectives are focused on: increasing awareness among key stakeholders on possible benefits for improving cross-border cooperation in the field of posting of workers, and reinforcing transnational cooperation between these bodies, by: (i) promoting the establishment of information sharing agreements meant to monitor and ease the posting of workers; (ii) enlarging the coverage of the agreements currently in place to other countries.
The project started in January 2019 and will be finalized in 2021.
For the Country Paper briefings you can see here.
For the report of the dissemination event you can see here.
You can see all additional information on the official project website.