
/ News, Position Papers
The statement gives a concise overview of the challenges faced by paritarian institutions in the current pandemic situation, while highlighting their importance from a social and financial aspect. The member organizations of AEIP play a significant role in ensuring adequate benefits for old age income, healthcare and long-term care services while they work as much-needed automatic stabilizers in times of economic strain. Thanks to their joint decision-making process and management by the social partners, they promote transparency, inclusiveness and democratic legitimacy. They also have a substantial role in maintaining financial stability. They often act counter-cyclically by maintaining their long-term strategic ...
/ News, Position Papers
AEIP, as a representative of paritarian provident institutions specialising in health and provident insurance for private sector employees welcomes EIOPA's stakeholder consultation to promote a constructive dialogue for the review of the Solvency II prudential regime in 2020. In that regard, we would like to stress that it is in the interest of the European Union to promote the fair price of the guarantees of provident institutions, which, faced with the challenge of future demographic ageing, offers a response to the challenge of the sustainability of public systems. The position aims at bringing forward several recommendations and comments towards EIOPA’s ...
/ News
Due to concerns around the spread of corona virus (COVID-19) and the imposed global travel restrictions, we would like to inform you that, following general guidelines, the co-organizers of the event have decided to postpone it. Given the unprecedented situation, the Conference which was originally planned to take place in Brussels on the 27th – 28th – 29th May 2020 is now postponed for 2-3-4 June 2021 in Brussels. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this change might cause. In any case, we hope we will be able to welcome you at the event in the new dates next year. We remain available ...
/ News, Position Papers
AEIP gave its input to EIOPA’s consultation regarding technical advice on the PEPP, including –among others- its information documents, the measurement of risk/rewards performance and the ‘all inclusive’ approach to the cost cap. With its input, AEIP underlines the need for a level playing field between second and third pillar pension products, which creates fair terms and prevents unlawful competition, while taking into consideration the position and important role of IORPs in each national context. To read the full input of AEIP, please see here ...
/ News
The Secretary General of AEIP, Bruno Gabellieri, spoke at the 1st Occupational Insurance Forum in Athens on 13 February 2020, focusing on the opportunities and challenges for IORPs across the EU. The Forum was organized by the Hellenic Union of Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision (HUIORP) in collaboration with Ethos Media, bringing together numerous executives, high-ranking officials and institutional organizations with EIOPA Chairman Mr. Gabriel Bernardino as the guest of honour. The Forum focused on the topics below: Panel I: Occupational Insurance Funds: Synergy of Social Partners Panel II: Establishment, Organization, Supervision & Operational Management of Occupational Insurance Funds Panel ...
AEIP would like to provide some preliminary comments on the conclusions reached by EIOPA in its final report on the IORP Stress Test, published on 17 December 2019, as well as general recommendations. AEIP appreciates the fact that EIOPA discussed with stakeholders the cash flow analysis and took it into account for the 2019 IORP Stress Test (ST). The 2019 ST exercise is seen as a ‘snapshot’ for Pension Funds (PFs), which does not show the potential for market recovery over time. The interpretation of the results of the cash-flow analysis (CFA) is straightforward and clear, since the CFA shows ...
/ News, Studies & Reports
On 9th October 2019, the eve of World Mental Health Day, the European Mental Health Alliance, of which AEIP is an active member, organized an event about the future of work and mental health. The seminar, hosted by ICF, aimed at discussing how changes in the world of work can impact mental health and well-being of workers, and what can be done to adequately address these changes. You can find a full report on the seminar here ...
/ News, Press Releases
Under the title "Vocational training for a digital labour market", the Europe Day of the German construction industry in Brussels underlined the pioneering role of the vocational training scheme in the construction industry. In addition, the Commission's proposals for the new European funding programmes were discussed. Around 90 invited guests from European institutions, European and national organisations, diplomats and scientists accepted the invitation to the fifth Europe Day of the Germany construction industry in Brussels. Barbara Kauffmann, Director for Employment and Social Governance in the European Commission's Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Integration, stressed the need for close cooperation ...
/ News, Press Releases
AEIP held its Annual Conference on the 6th of November in Brussels. This year’s edition focused on the paritarian model and social dialogue, with a view on the various challenges for social protection systems as well as changing labour markets. Following the recent election of the new European Parliament and just before the Von der Leyen Commission takes office, the timing has been deemed perfect for presenting the vision and activities of AEIP to the wider audience. The 2019 annual conference was a great opportunity to reflect on the role of social partners as well as of paritarian organizations of ...
