
/ News
AEIP responded to the European Commission’s open consultation on the renewed sustainable finance strategy. AEIP believes that the momentum is a good opportunity to promote environmental goals and create clarity around risks and new investment opportunities. At the same time, environmental changes need to go hand in hand with a renewed social and governance approach. AEIP and its members understand that consolidation of ESG data and harmonisation of standards can increase accessibility of sustainable finance, thus becoming the default option. The stimuli could help small innovative businesses to come up with new, clean technology while the transition in combination with ...
/ Press Releases
We are proud to announce that the President of AEIP, Mr. Philip Neyt, and the Secretary General of AEIP, Mr. Bruno Gabellieri, have been appointed as members of the Occupational Pensions Stakeholder Group (OPSG) of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA). Both of them have a long experience in representing paritarian institutions at the European level consultative bodies. Mr. Neyt has been a member of the OPSG during its previous mandate (2018-2020). Mr. Gabellieri has served as a member of the Consultative Panel in CEIOPS as well as member of the OPSG for three mandates (2011-2013, 2013-2015, 2018-2020) ...
/ News
Mr. Philip Neyt, President of AEIP, and Mr. Bruno Gabellieri, Secretary General of AEIP, appointed as members of EIOPA’s Occupational Pensions Stakeholder Group   We are proud to announce that the President of AEIP, Mr. Philip Neyt, and the Secretary General of AEIP, Mr. Bruno Gabellieri, have been appointed as members of the Occupational Pensions Stakeholder Group (OPSG) of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA). Both of them have a long experience in representing paritarian institutions at European level consultative bodies. Mr. Neyt has been a member of the OPSG during its previous mandate (2018-2020). Mr. Gabellieri has ...
/ News
AEIP provided its input to the CMU final report and the recommendations of the High-Level Forum on CMU. In its feedback, the organization stresses that access to objective and free-of-cost company data is one of the major challenges for many market participants and stakeholders in general, so an EU single access point could be a step in the right direction. AEIP welcomes as a positive development that complementary funded pensions could be taken into consideration for the pension systems’ sustainability and for pension adequacy. However, any reporting system related to this initiative should not increase the reporting burden for occupational ...
/ News, Position Papers
With this position paper, AEIP aims to illustrate the key contributions that paritarian social protection schemes are providing to employers, employees and to the national social protection systems in the context of the Covid-19 outbreak. Furthermore, the paper provides policy recommendations to decision-makers on how to support the paritarian model and to further promote its development as part of the measures addressing the effects of the pandemic. For the full position paper, please see here ...
/ News
The European Association of Paritarian Institutions officially joins as partner organization the European Parliament’s Intergroup on ‘Sustainable, Long-term Investments & Competitive European industry’, that was formally launched in Strasbourg on 13 February. Given the importance of Paritarian Institutions as long-term investors as well as their contribution to sustainable investments, AEIP is looking forward to contributing to fruitful public discussions and activities ...
/ News
As of 12th of May the official website of the Information Sharing Agreements – ISA project is online and can be accessed on . AEIP is a project partner since the launch of the ISA project in 2019. The project is funded under the European Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) and initiated by AEIP’s Italian member - Joint National Committee for Buildings Workers' Welfare Funds (Casse Edili – CNCE) . The ISA project aims at promoting the establishment of information sharing agreements to monitor and ease the posting of workers in the construction sector, while promoting and ...
/ News, Position Papers
AEIP, together with other 10 organizations working on health at European level, published a joint statement on ‘Mental health in the eye of the COVID-19 hurricane’. The statement highlights the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic is having on mental health and well-being of individuals and provides eight recommendations to European and national policy makers. To read the AEIP position in detail, please see here ...
/ News, Studies & Reports
AEIP publishes its Activity Report, presenting a full overview of its activities and dossiers of interest throughout 2019. The report provides information on all conferences, seminars and meetings carried out with the participation and support of AEIP’s members. For the full AEIP Activity Report 2019, please see here ...
/ News, Position Papers
AEIP and paritarian institutions of social protection - including occupational pension and healthcare funds, first pillar bis pension schemes as well as provident institutions - can play a key role in the development of the Capital Markets Union (CMU). Especially in the light of the unprecedented and detrimental coronavirus pandemic, paritarian institutions should have an even more pivotal role in funding the CMU initiative. Paritarian institutions have an important social function in supporting the EU economies and citizens. They ensure adequate benefits for old age income, healthcare and long-term care services while they work as much-needed automatic stabilizers in times ...
