Brussels, 3 September, 2015 Launch of the European Alliance for Mental Health in all Policies to promote mental well-being in the workplace Today, AEIP, AIM, EPHA, GGZ Nederland and MHE have launched the European Alliance for Mental Health in all Policies. The Alliance aims at promoting mental well-being in the workplace and the implementation of existing guidelines. Bruxelles, le 3 septembre 2015 Lancement de l'Alliance européenne sur la santé mentale pour promouvoir le bien-être mental au travail Aujourd'hui, l'AEIP, l'AIM, l'EPHA, le GGZ Nederland et le MHE ont lancé l'Alliance européenne sur la santé mentale. L'Alliance a pour objectif de promouvoir ...
02/09/2015 - AEIP attended the seminar organized by ALDE entitled: “IORPs: will my children have a pension?” In the picture you can see MEP Brian Hayes, rapporteur for the directive in ECON Committee of the European Parliament, explaining the main features of his draft report published at the end of July. The consideration of the draft report in ECON Committee is foreseen for the 14-15 September! 02/09/2015 - L'AEIP a participé à un séminaire organisé par ALDE intitulé "IRPs: mes enfants auront-ils droit à la pension ?" Sur la photo, vous pouvez voir le député européen Brian Hayes, rapporteur pour la directive à la Commission ...
28/07/2015 - The Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) of the European Parliament has published the draft report on the IORP II Directive. Rapporteur: Brian Hayes (Ireland, EPP) 28/07/2015 - La Commission des affaires économiques et monétaires (ECON) du Parlement européen a publié son projet de rapport sur la Directive IRP II. Rapporteur: Brian Hayes (Irlande, PPE) ...
27/07/2015 - The OECD published a consultation on Core Principles for Private Pensions. Comments to be sent before the 20th of October! 27/07/2015 - L'OCDE a publié une consultation sur les principes fondamentaux de réglementation des retraites privées. Les commentaires doivent être envoyés avant le 20 octobre! ...
A meeting of the European Alliance on Mental Health in All Policies was held on July 8, 2015. During the meeting, the partners of the Alliance agreed to entrust the role of secretairat and the coordination of the alliance's activities to AEIP. AEIP is extremely pleased with the confidence given by its partners and it will do its best to meet partners’ expectations and ensure further development of the Alliance. For more information, please contact the AEIP Secretariat: Une réunion de l'Alliance européenne sur la santé mentale a eu lieu le 8 juillet 2015. Pendant la réunion, les partenaires de ...
High Level Conference: Boosting Social Entreprises On Thursday, June 9, AEIP participated in the High level event Boosting Social Enterprises, organised by Luxembourg’s Presidency of the Council. Social Economy Europe’s President, Alain Coheur, welcomed the efforts of the ongoing Presidency aimed at promoting the Social Economy in Europe and the importance of boosting Social Enterprises. He pointed out that in order to maximise social economy enterprises contribution to sustainable and inclusive growth, quality employment creations, social cohesion and social innovation, it is necessary to promote the whole European Social Economy formed by cooperatives, mutual societies, associations, foundations, paritarian institutions and social ...
Thursday, June 25, AEIP participated in a public hearing on the financing social economy enterprises organized by the European Parliament intergroup "Social Economy". Among the issues tackled, speakers discussed prudential rules preventing long term investments for the benefit of local development and real economy. Furthermore, the access to finance for the Social Economy will be a major topic for the upcoming Luxembourg’s Presidency of the Council of the EU. A conference on Financing Social Economy Enterprises, organized by the Presidency, will take place on 3 and 4 December, and will bring together representatives of the Social Economy Europe, which AEIP ...
On June 25, AEIP participated in the PensionsEurope Conference “Pensions and the new start for Europe”. Guest speakers included Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman of EIOPA and MEP Brian Hayes, rapporteur in the ECON Committee of the European Parliament for the IORP II Directive. The conference has represented the occasion to debate about the main pensions issue with the key players from the EU institutions and pension schemes. Le 25 Juin, l'AEIP a participé à la conférence organisée par PensionsEurope intitulée "Les pensions et un nouveau début pour l'Europe". Parmi les orateurs invités, il y avait M. Gabriel Bernardino, président de l'EIOPA, et Brian Hayes, ...
The EPSCO Council will begin on Thursday at 9.30 with employment and social policy issues and will continue on Friday at 10.00 with health items. With the exception of any other business items the whole meeting will be public and can be followed by video streaming at Le Conseil EPSCO se réunira jeudi à 9.30 pour parler d'emploi et de politique sociale et églement vendredi à 10h pour discuter des thèmes de la santé. A l'exception d'autres affaires générales, toute la réunion sera accessible au public et peut être suivie en streaming ...
Fighting social dumping: yesterday AEIP participated to the launch of a campaign promoted by the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers. EFBWW urges the European Commission to close the European legal loopholes which allow companies and individuals to set up fake companies and/or use fake subsidiary-companies in other EU member states to avoid paying social security contributions. La lutte contre le dumping social: hier l'AEIP a participé au lancement d'une campagne soutenue par la Fédération Européenne des Travailleurs du Bâtiment et du Bois. La FETBB incite la Commission Européenne à combler les failles de la législation européenne qui permettent aux ...