
The European Association of Paritarian Institutions (AEIP) has responded to the European Commission’s call for evidence on the Savings and Investment Union emphasizing the critical role of paritarian occupational pensions in strengthening Europe’s savings and investment landscape. AEIP welcomes the initiative’s objective of leveraging Europe’s private savings to support broader EU economic and social goals. To this end, AEIP urges the EU to focus on increasing coverage and strengthening paritarian occupational pensions. This can be achieved by reinforcing industrial relations and enhancing the role of social partners in shaping pension policies through collective agreements, which could lead to an increase ...
The European Association of Paritarian Institutions (AEIP) replied to the European Commission’s call for evidence on the Single Market Strategy for 2025. AEIP welcomes the aim of the Single Market Strategy to create new momentum for a modernised single market for goods and services, taking into consideration the needs of businesses, workers and citizens. AEIP supports the (i) removal of barriers to the free movement of goods and services, (ii) the need to tackle administrative burden and rationalise reporting requirements and (iii) calls for the European Commission to further consider the unique structure and characteristics of paritarian institutions in view ...
On 17 December, AEIP replied to EIOPA’s consultation on the draft Opinion on the supervision of liquidity risk management (LRM) of Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision (IORPs). We agree with EIOPA that is prudent and necessary that IORPs have in place the necessary risk management functions. Notably, the current legislation already address this requirement. Under Article 25 of the IORP II Directive, pension funds are mandated to implement effective risk management functions to address liquidity and concentration risks. In our response, AEIP emphasize the need for a comprehensive yet proportionate supervisory approach that adheres to the principle of minimum harmonization ...
/ News
On 27 November 2024, AEIP with PensionsEurope sent a joint letter to the ESAs Chairpersons and Chair, to request the ESAs to issue a no-action letter to national competent authorities (NCAs) to address challenges coming from DORA enforcement, ahead of the application date of 17 January 2025. In the joint letter the two associations point out that the lack of finalised level 2 texts such as the ITS on the register of information and the RTS on subcontracting, makes it challenging for compliance work and creates legal uncertainty. Ensuring legal certainty for financial entities would be aligned with new EU ...
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Position title: Intern Field: Project management, office administration and policy Job Location: Brussels Application Deadline: 3rd January 2025 Internship period: from 3 February to 11 July 2025 The European Association of Paritarian Institutions of Social Protection (AEIP) is seeking motivated young professionals in administration, project management and EU affairs to join its Brussels team as a full-time paid intern. This opportunity offers hands-on experience in office management, project coordination, and active support for AEIP's working groups. As an intern, you will play a key role in implementing our Action Plan, gaining valuable insights into the functioning of a European advocacy ...
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The upcoming edition of the European Finance Forum will take place on October 10th at the prestigious Shangri-La Hotel in Paris. Mark your calendars for this top-of-the-range meeting, where European decision-makers and representatives gather to engage in high-level debates. The European Finance Forum aims to address regulatory issues specific to the finance sector in a morning of insightful conferences. The focus will be on key topics such as: Capital Markets Union and Basel III Distribution of financial products in Europe: a changing model? – including the RIS – Retail Investment Strategy   Focus on UK-EU regulations and divergences: is a level playing field ...
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The European Association of Paritarian Institutions (AEIP) submitted its input to the European Commission's targeted consultation on artificial intelligence (AI) in the financial sector. AEIP supports the AI Act's approach of giving freedom to sectors to establish guidelines for the responsible application of AI. This stakeholder-driven approach is important given the rapid market developments and diversity in AI applications across sectors, even within the financial sector. In our input, we explain that in the pension fund industry, AI is primarily used, or will be used, in areas such as pension administration, including communication with members and beneficiaries and automatization of ...
/ News, Studies & Reports
AEIP is proud to present the overview of its activities carried out throughout 2023. Discover our initiatives in the 2023 AEIP Activity Report, driving progress in social protection and pensions. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all AEIP members, partners, and supporters for their dedicated efforts in 2023. As we reflect on the achievements of the past year, we eagerly anticipate the accomplishments of 2024, brimming with promising opportunities and collaborative endeavors. You can read the full AEIP Activity Report for 2023 here ...
/ News, Position Papers
In the coming years, the EU must navigate through several macro-trends which impact our societies, economies, labour markets, and social protection systems. These include demographic changes, new types of employment, decrease in collective bargaining, digitalization and climate change and to build a single market for capital that supports people, businesses and the economy. In our ‘Memorandum for 2024 - 2029’ we call for a stronger social Europe and a more robust Capital Markets Union and we explain that to help achieve this, the EU institutions need to strengthen the resilience of paritarian institutions. Paritarian institutions play a key role as ...
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In view of the upcoming evaluation and review of the IORP II Directive by DG FISMA, we publish today our position on EIOPA’s technical advice on the IORP II review, released in September 2023. AEIP commends DG FISMA and EIOPA for the opportunity to comment on the IORP II review and for the productive communication and constructive dialogue throughout the process. We appreciate that EIOPA does not foresee changes to the minimum harmonization character of this Directive and welcome that the technical advice considers venues to enhance proportionality. While AEIP recognizes that increasing thresholds for exemptions can benefit small IORPs, ...
