AEIP publishes its position on sustainable finance

Paritarian institutions of social protection play an important social role in the EU economy, as they contribute to better adequacy for the beneficiaries of different social protection systems across Europe. Moreover, paritarian institutions of social protection are key institutional investors and contribute to fostering long-term investment and economic growth.
In our position paper, we have underlined that AEIP supports the development of a taxonomy and the proposed steps to increase transparency on the integration of sustainability risks. We view the efforts of the European Commission in that direction as a necessary element for achieving the key objectives of the European policy framework on sustainable finance. At the same time, we would like to point out that as paritarian funds our main aim is maximizing returns for quality social benefits under a long-term perspective. The position of AEIP further elaborates 12 key messages related to an EU taxonomy as well as to disclosures on sustainable investments and sustainability risks, which are highly relevant to our organization and individual members.
For the full AEIP Position Paper on Sustainable finance, please see here.