The G20 Pensions Forum & ESG Summit with AEIP
AEIP is delighted to join the 2021 G20 Pensions Dialogue & ESG Summit held in Paris & digitally (Zoom, LinkedIn), 28 October 2021, on the sidelines of the sixteenth meeting of the Group of Twenty, with the institutional asset owners, board members and policy thinkers who pioneered notions such as SDG-driven investment, employee ownership, climate finance, infrastructure as a ‘new asset class’ and the ‘Age of Fiduciary Capitalism’.
The event will feature a special session on Fiduciary Capitalism & Social Policy Innovation co-chaired by Aleksandra Kaydzhiyska, Executive Director, AEIP, Suzanne Bishopric, Board Member, EU ASEAN Economic Forum, fmr. CIO, UN Joint Staff Pension Fund, and Valérie Easmon-George, Board Member, London/Islington Pension Fund.
Click here to access the detailed forum agenda
A this is a hybrid event, in person passes (Paris auditorium) will be allocated in priority to policy makers and beneficial owners: pension, insurance and caisses de retraite executives & board members; treasurers & portfolio managers from the investment management industry (but not commercial distributors or marketers).
We encourage the others to join us digitally.
To attend the conference online (Zoom, LinkedIn etc.) or in-person in Paris:
Visit the registration page or simply email: register@worldpensions.org
We look forward to seeing you at the forum later this month.