AEIP is happy to join as an official partner the 21st edition of L’AGEFI’s European Finance Forum on 5th October
AEIP is happy to join as an official partner the 21st edition of L’AGEFI’s European Finance Forum (formerly known as the Global Invest Forum) on Wednesday, 5th October at the Peninsula in Paris.
The European Finance Forum will keep on focusing around the main challenges faced by the asset management industry, but will also include a deeper dive into regulatory changes and major issues for the finance industry in general, 2 facets that our editorial team will make sure to cover during this full-day event.
his summit is the European #1 event for the Investors and the Finance industry in Paris. At this occasion major policy leaders and key players in the financial sector will be gathered for high level debates during the morning sessions. In the afternoon, Asset managers & Asset Owners will share their views on investment topics.
The event will take place during the InvestWeek Paris in October.
For more information and registrations see here.
For the final version of the programme see here.