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AEIP organized its 2019 Annual Conference on the 6th of November on the topic of: Social Dialogue and the Paritarian Model: Added Value in a Changing Labour Market. The event took place in Brussels in the Square Brussels Convention Centre.
The Conference aimed to address the aspects of the European Social Model that link directly to the engagement of social partners in reforming social protection systems. Starting from the morning of 6th November, the half-day Conference focused on identifying the most notable developments in the framework of two panel discussions:
Panel 1: European labour market trends and the future of work – implications for social protection systems?
Panel 2: Re-thinking the existing models for social change – How to deliver sustainable and modern social protection?
The AEIP Annual Conference was anticipated by the Europe day of the German Construction Industry, the annual event of AEIP’s German member SOKA-BAU. The event focused on Vocational training for a digital labour market and took place in the afternoon of the 5th of November in the Square Brussels Convention Centre. The two events were linked by the official Conference dinner, organized jointly by SOKA BAU and AEIP in the evening of 5th November at the Egmont Palace in Brussels.
Follow up information:
For the bios of the speakers, please have a look here.
For pictures from the AEIP Annual Conference, please see here :
For further information, you can directly contact the AEIP Team or info@aeip.net.