AEIP provided its input to the CMU final report and the recommendations of the High-Level Forum on CMU.
AEIP provided its input to the CMU final report and the recommendations of the High-Level Forum on CMU. In its… more
AEIP provided its input to the CMU final report and the recommendations of the High-Level Forum on CMU. In its… more
With this position paper, AEIP aims to illustrate the key contributions that paritarian social protection schemes are providing to employers,… more
The European Association of Paritarian Institutions officially joins as partner organization the European Parliament’s Intergroup on ‘Sustainable, Long-term Investments &… more
As of 12th of May the official website of the Information Sharing Agreements – ISA project is online and can… more
AEIP, together with other 10 organizations working on health at European level, published a joint statement on ‘Mental health in… more
AEIP publishes its Activity Report, presenting a full overview of its activities and dossiers of interest throughout 2019. The report… more
AEIP and paritarian institutions of social protection – including occupational pension and healthcare funds, first pillar bis pension schemes as… more
The statement gives a concise overview of the challenges faced by paritarian institutions in the current pandemic situation, while highlighting… more
AEIP, as a representative of paritarian provident institutions specialising in health and provident insurance for private sector employees welcomes EIOPA’s… more
Due to concerns around the spread of corona virus (COVID-19) and the imposed global travel restrictions, we would like to… more