AEIP publishes its latest research paper on the topic of “The added value of the paritarian model”

On the occasion of the 25 years from the creation of AEIP and in the context of AEIP’s participation to the 2021 European Retirement Week, we are delighted to publish our latest comprehensive research paper on the topic of “The added value of the paritarian model”.
The current research brings together a conceptual analysis on the concept and main characteristics of paritarism as well as a detailed historical examination of the development and current functioning of paritarian institutions in a number of countries, including Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany and Italy. The paper also casts light in the relevance of social dialogue for collective social protection schemes and looks back at the development of the European social dialogue model.
With the current publication, AEIP would like to highlight the important role of paritarian institutions as well as to take stock of its activities at the EU level, spanning over the past two decades. As the necessity for the existence of paritarian institutions is even more relevant in the context of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the report also brings forward several policy recommendations to support paritarian institutions of social protection.
The full AEIP paper is available here.
Press release here.