AEIP provides its contribution to European Commission’s consultation on the Green Paper on Ageing

On 20th April AEIP provided its contribution to the consultation of the European Commission on the Green Paper on Ageing.
AEIP welcomes the Green Paper on Ageing as it addresses the pressing issue of an increasingly ageing society and provides stakeholders with the opportunity to express their views and offer solutions from their perspectives. Given their role as non-for-profit social protection providers, paritarian institutions are particularly affected by the ageing phenomenon: with that regard, they have been developing solutions to guarantee high level quality services, while safeguarding the long-term sustainability and solidarity of social protection systems in the countries where they operate.
The AEIP contribution to this consultation builds on the successful practices of our members and explains how these can be replicated in other European countries.
Overall, we welcome the Green Paper on Ageing as it addresses most of the aspects that are linked to the ageing of the European population. In particular, it is very positive that it considers the inclusion of vulnerable groups and the need for accessible, affordable and quality healthcare and long-term services for all. Likewise, we were delighted to see that the European Commission fully acknowledges the role of 1st pillar bis and 2nd pillar pension providers for ensuring pension adequacy in the future, as they are indeed essential stakeholders in the debate.
On the negative side, we regret that the Green Paper did not address some important aspects that are linked to the ageing phenomenon such as demographic policies or, when it did, like in the case of migration, this was not sufficiently developed.
For the full AEIP’s reply to the consultation, please see here.
For the general AEIP statement on the Green Paper, please see here.