AEIP publishes its Position on EIOPA’s 2020 Consultation Regarding the Review of Solvency II

AEIP, as a representative of paritarian provident institutions specialising in health and provident insurance for private sector employees welcomes EIOPA’s stakeholder consultation to promote a constructive dialogue for the review of the Solvency II prudential regime in 2020. In that regard, we would like to stress that it is in the interest of the European Union to promote the fair price of the guarantees of provident institutions, which, faced with the challenge of future demographic ageing, offers a response to the challenge of the sustainability of public systems.
The position aims at bringing forward several recommendations and comments towards EIOPA’s consultation paper on the latter’s Opinion regarding the Solvency II review.
For a more detailed overview on AEIP’s position on technical advice, please see here.