Working Groups

Commission I – Coordinated Retirement Schemes & Commission II – Pension Funds

AEIP Commission I gathers representatives of EU Coordinated Retirement Schemes in the first pillar of social protection. In addition to the traditional social security public schemes, it includes both statutory pension schemes managed by social partners and pension schemes which are set up by collective bargaining agreements and work on paritarian basis.

AEIP Commission II encompasses all issues surrounding the paritarian 2nd pillar pension institutions and the related Directive on Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision (IORP II Directive).

Commission I and Commission II form one Working Group and develop input jointly on topics concerning, adequacy and sustainability of pensions, equality and the overall financing of pension systems.

Commission III – Health and Provident Funds and Task Force Health and Care

AEIP Commission III consists of paritarian funds – paritarian healthcare insurers and provident funds.

This Working Group follows jointly with other AEIP members the process of evolution of the European Insurance Directives and the revision of Solvency II.

Working group of the Construction Sector: Commission IV – Paid Holiday Schemes & Commission V – Occupational Health and Safety

Construction is one of the most relevant sectors represented in the European Association of the Paritarian Institutions of Social Protection (AEIP) as several social protection providers managing pension plans, paid holidays and health-and-safety at work schemes are managed on paritarian basis in the construction sector.

The members of Commission IV operate paid holiday schemes which provide benefits both to domestic and posted workers within the construction industry.
AEIP Commission V Health and Safety at Work focuses on the promotion of best practices in the prevention of occupational health & safety schemes in the construction sector.

The members of Commission IV & V meet together and jointly form one AEIP working group on the Construction Sector.