Towards a New Start of Industrial Relations in Construction in CEEs – TANSIRC Project
In collaboration with the European social partners of the Construction Sector – the European Federation of Building and Wood – workers (EFBWW) and the European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC), AEIP participates in the TANSIRC Project as a partner since 2018. The project is focused on identifying opportunities to strengthen the capacity of trade unions and employer’s federations to engage in social dialogue in order to strengthen industrial relations in Central and Eastern European Member States (CEECs).
The aim of the first project phase is to conduct an overall “mapping” gathering information on the current state-of-play national systems of industrial relations and social dialogue in the target group countries. The second part of the project action that took place throughout 2019 aimed at launching five open thematic debates with the social partners (Warsaw – 22th February, Zagreb – 19 March 2019, Bucharest – 20 September).
The project action focuses on the following countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Monte – negro, Serbia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey.
The project will be finalized in the beginning of 2020.
Press Release from the Seminar in Bucharest on 20th September 2020 is available here.