
/ Press Releases
European Parliament agrees 'practicable, proportionate' IORP draft - click here Le Parlement européen s'accorde sur une proposition IRP "réalisable et proportionnée" - cliquez ici ...
/ Press Releases
Draft ECON report reveals softer line on international reporting standards - click here  Un projet de rapport de la Commission des affaires économiques et monétaires (ECON) dévoile une position plus souple sur les normes internationales d'information - cliquez ici ...
/ Press Releases
EIOPA elects Italian regulator as new executive director - click here Le régulateur italien deviendra le nouveau directeur exécutif de l'EIOPA - cliquez ici ...
/ Press Releases
ATP sets sights on alternative risk premia with new long-term guidelines - click here L'ATP mise sur les primes de risque alternatives avec de nouvelles lignes directrices à long terme - cliquez ici ...
/ Press Releases
Green MEP alarmed by results of EIOPA pension fund stress tests - click here Les résultats des tests de résistance de l'EIOPA sur les fonds de pension alarment un député européen du Groupe des Verts - cliquez ici ...
/ Press Releases
Gail Moss outlines a new project to aid pensions communication for the 100,000 daily cross-border commuters in the Limburg trinational region - click here   Gail Moss expose les grandes lignes d'un nouveau projet visant à faciliter la communication des retraites pour les 100 000 travailleurs frontaliers dans la région trinationale du Limbourg - cliquez ici ...
/ Press Releases
On 22 January 2016, AEIP as part of the European Alliance for Mental Health in All Policies, organized a roundtable discussion on the topic of “The Role of Stakeholders in the European Mental Health Policy Agenda”. The event was linked to the closing conference of the European Commission Joint Action on Mental Health and Wellbeing 2013-2015. The meeting was attended by representatives of the European Commission (DG EMPL), Alliance members, actively working on the issue of mental health and private companies. The roundtable discussion was aimed at linking interested parties, providing for the exchange of good practices and establishing the ...
/ Press Releases
EIOPA accepts 'limited' risk of pension funds passing on financial shocks - click here Pour l’EIOPA, les risques que les fonds de pension transmettent les chocs financiers sont limités - cliquez ici ...
/ Press Releases
Dutch Pensions Federation calls for end of discount rate, coverage ratios - click here La Fédération néerlandaise des pensions réclame la fin des taux d’actualisation, des degrés de couverture -cliquez ici ...
/ Press Releases
AEIP hereby presents the activity report over the year 2014. This report shows the added value of AEIP in Europe. AEIP stands for the promotion and defence of the paritarian model. It is our conviction that Europe’s current problems (unemployment, ageing population, poverty) can only be solved if governments and social partners work together. In 2014 we further strengthened our cooperation with the presidency of the EU, the Commission, the European Parliament and the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA). We also put an effort in a stronger cooperation with our partners of the global pension alliance and universities ...
