All our members are necessarily paritarian organizations and the governance of AEIP fully respects the principle of paritarism upon which the association is based as well as the inherent values linked to it.
Paritarian governance
“Paritarian” (from the French “paritaire”; ”paritair” in Dutch, “paritätische“ in German, “Paritetico” in Italian) means jointly managed on equal or parity basis. In the field of social protection, paritarian institutions are non-for-profit institutions, jointly managed by the social partners – the governance of these institutions is based on the equal representation of employers and employees in their governing bodies.
All our members are necessarily paritarian organizations and the governance of AEIP fully respects the principle of paritarism. Our main objective since the beginning can be defined as the promotion of paritarism in Europe in the area of social protection and the representation of our members at the European level through the establishment of strategic partnerships.
Promotion of Paritarian Social Protection Schemes and defence of the shared interest of its members.
AEIP will promote and develop programs and orientations aiming at the sustainability of paritarian social protection systems at local level taking into account the national specificities aiming at ensuring social cohesion in Europe. Based thereon, AEIP prepares recommendations, proposes local programs and influences European decisions to safeguard and promote the interests of its members. AEIP will think ahead and anticipate modern paritarian social protection systems that take into account changing economic and societal pattern. It will furthermore seek to find a new balance between and across generations.
Main objectives
AEIP promotes paritarian social protection schemes and the shared interest of its members. We defend the concept of a responsible and efficient paritarism across Europe and are recognized as an added-value for our members and partners. Our main objective since the beginning can be defined as the promotion of paritarism in Europe in the area of social protection and the representation of our members at the European level through the establishment of strategic international partnerships.