Mental Health in the Construction Sector Project
The European social partners of the Construction Sector – the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) and the European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC) carried out a joint research project funded under the European Employment and Social Innovation Programme on the topic of Mental Health in the Construction Industry.
The project aimed to address the topic of occupational mental health from the sector-specific perspective of the construction industry, to improve the stakeholder´s understanding of the subject and to provide good examples allowing social partners to practically deal with the issue focusing on aspects of the work which are directly susceptible by the social partners at company level i.e. work organization.
AEIP was commissioned to carry out and coordinate the research project, focusing specifically on the quality of work and the health conditions of work processes
The research project aimed to deepen the understanding of mental health in the specific context of the construction industry and eventually, formulate pathways for solutions that take into account the concrete reality of construction work and trends within the various work processes and occupations.
AEIP collected national reports from the 7 EU Member States of focus i.e. Demark, Spain, Finland, Belgium, France, Poland and Austria, served as the basis for the elaboration of this report, providing for conclusions, recommendations and evaluation guidelines for the sector.
As part of the project action AEIP had the responsibility of analyzing the national reports and elaborating the final research report, drawing conclusions on possible policy measures and supporting for action at national and European level. The final report was published in March 2019 .
The full Research Report is available here.
The Good Practice Guide is available here.