European Finance Forum – 5 October 2023 – Paris, France

We are delighted to extend an invitation to the upcoming European Finance Forum, organized by L’AGEFI in collaboration with AEIP. The event will be held on Thursday, October 5, 2023, at the Shangri-La Hotel in Paris, commencing at 8:15 AM.
The European Finance Forum holds a significant position for European investors and the financial industry in Paris. It will address the unique challenges faced by the finance and economic sectors at a European level in the context of the adversities of 2023, including inflation, geopolitical crises, and an energy crisis.
In this new macro-economic landscape, finance and investment professionals need to be vigilant in identifying risks and uncovering market opportunities. The event will consist of two distinct parts:
- Morning: A series of conferences, featuring prominent European decision-makers and representatives, engaging in high-level discussions on critical topics relevant to the financial industry.
- Afternoon: Workshops focusing on key investment and financial allocation themes, facilitating constructive exchanges among asset managers and owners from all across Europe.