AEIP Memorandum for 2024 – 2029: Building social protection for all: Recommendations to strengthen resilience of paritarian institutions

In the coming years, the EU must navigate through several macro-trends which impact our societies, economies, labour markets, and social protection systems. These include demographic changes, new types of employment, decrease in collective bargaining, digitalization and climate change and to build a single market for capital that supports people, businesses and the economy.
In our ‘Memorandum for 2024 – 2029’ we call for a stronger social Europe and a more robust Capital Markets Union and we explain that to help achieve this, the EU institutions need to strengthen the resilience of paritarian institutions. Paritarian institutions play a key role as they ensure social protection, they guarantee solidarity and are important institutional investors, making substantial contributions to long-term investment and sustainable growth.
In our ‘Memorandum’ we outline seven recommendations for the EU institutions for the next five years:
- Recognise the unique role of paritarian institutions. Paritarian institutions are inherently different from pure financial market entities and should be treated accordingly: We explain when regulating EU institutions should reject the one size fits all approach.
- Enhance the rationalisation of reporting requirements and limit the tendency to regulate horizontally: We mention striking the right balance between regulatory oversight and the operational needs of social protection institutions is paramount.
- Actively support social dialogue and collective bargaining: We underline defending and strengthening social dialogue is of outmost importance.
- Ensure the full respect for the right to social protection for all: We stress the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) must be the compass for the European social agenda and the transition towards a green economy.
- Guarantee a just digital transition: We advocate to ensure a just digital transition it should be based on the principles of paritariarism and social dialogue.
- Develop a proportionate, principles-based, and streamlined approach to sustainable investment: We emphasise streamlining regulation, eliminating duplications, and moving away from a horizontal approach by recognizing the diverse needs and specificities of different types of investors are crucial steps towards effectively achieving sustainability goals.
- Foster a robust Capital Markets Union (CMU): We highlight the need to accelerate the establishment of the Capital Markets Union (CMU) through the parallel enhancement of paritarian institutions of social protection.
To read our Memorandum for 2024 – 2029 see here.