Paritarian institutions in the Building Sector oppose against exemptions to prior notification for the construction industry

On 25 April, AEIP published a statement, shared with several Member States, including Sweden, to urge the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union to exclude the construction sector from the exemption for short posting periods and business trips and to foster better cooperation between Member States to prevent social dumping and impact the lives of millions of citizens.
European paritarian institutions are particularly concerned by the inclusion of the exemption to prior notification for short posting periods and business trips for the construction sector in the Swedish Presidency’s text of the coordination of social security regulations revision (Regulation No 883/2004 and Regulation No 987/2009). We believe that the removal of the reference to the building sector from the Swedish Presidency’s document can be extremely harmful for construction workers, undermining social protection as well as efficacy of labour inspections.
For the full statement, please see here.