AEIP is pleased to announce the appointment of Simone Miotto as its new Executive Director

The European Association of Paritarian Institutions (AEIP) has announced the appointment of Simone Miotto as its new Executive Director. Simone will lead and coordinate the organization’s lobby activities and represent it at the European and international level. This appointment is a significant step in advancing AEIP’s agenda of promoting paritarian social protection schemes in Europe.
Simone Miotto brings exceptional expertise to AEIP from his past experience as Senior Policy Adviser at PensionsEurope. His sound knowledge of pension funds and their legal framework, coupled with his proven track record of engagement with European institutions and EU decision-making, makes him an excellent addition to the AEIP team.
AEIP President, Brigitte Pisa, expressed excitement over Simone’s appointment, stating: “We are thrilled to have Simone on board. This appointment is significant for AEIP’s work due to Simone’s experience in the field of social protection and proven track record of public advocacy campaigns.”
Simone Miotto said, “I am incredibly grateful to the AEIP Board for their trust and confidence in me. I look forward to leading and coordinating AEIP’s efforts to promote the development of paritarian social protection schemes in Europe. My aim is to work with AEIP members and stakeholders to improve the adequacy and sustainability of social protection in Europe.”
AEIP has 15 Associate and Affiliate members and 14 task force members from 11 and 6 European countries, respectively. All AEIP members are not-for-profit organizations. Simone’s appointment marks a new chapter for AEIP. The organization looks forward to working with him to advance its agenda further.
For the full press release, please see here.