AEIP provides input to European Commission targeted consultation on the establishment of a European single access point (ESAP)

AEIP gave its input to the European Commission’s targeted consultation on the establishment of a European single access point (ESAP). AEIP believes in the added value of including sustainability data in the scope of ESAP, since these are not always available to investors–contrary to financial data that are already more broadly accessible and available. This would support particularly smaller pension funds that aim to increase their level of ambition in the area of responsible investing. Similarly, it could also support them in implementing the requirements of the SFDR and reduce the costs thereof. In particular, the SFDR requires financial market participants to report on adverse impact indicators where companies are not yet required to do so and the data infrastructure provided by data vendors is still under development. At the same time, it is necessary to acknowledge the challenge of building an ESAP for an area of data which is still under development and not as mature as mainstream financial data. A realistic timeline for implementation should account for these challenges. Please see here the full input of AEIP.