AEIP was the honorary partner of the 1st Occupational Insurance Forum of HUIORP and Ethos Media

The Secretary General of AEIP, Bruno Gabellieri, spoke at the 1st Occupational Insurance Forum in Athens on 13 February 2020, focusing on the opportunities and challenges for IORPs across the EU. The Forum was organized by the Hellenic Union of Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision (HUIORP) in collaboration with Ethos Media, bringing together numerous executives, high-ranking officials and institutional organizations with EIOPA Chairman Mr. Gabriel Bernardino as the guest of honour.
The Forum focused on the topics below:
Panel I: Occupational Insurance Funds: Synergy of Social Partners
Panel II: Establishment, Organization, Supervision & Operational Management of Occupational Insurance Funds
Panel IIΙ: Investments Management & Occupational Funds Yields
AEIP was a proud honorary partner of the 1st Occupational Insurance Forum.
To see the event’s agenda and speakers, please click here.