The Europe Day of the German construction industry, organized by SOKA BAU took place on 5th November in Brussels

Under the title “Vocational training for a digital labour market”, the Europe Day of the German construction industry in Brussels underlined the pioneering role of the vocational training scheme in the construction industry. In addition, the Commission’s proposals for the new European funding programmes were discussed.
Around 90 invited guests from European institutions, European and national organisations, diplomats and scientists accepted the invitation to the fifth Europe Day of the Germany construction industry in Brussels. Barbara Kauffmann, Director for Employment and Social Governance in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Integration, stressed the need for close cooperation between the European and national levels, in particular with the social partners, in order to make the New Skills Agenda for Europe a success: „We have a lot of work to do”.
For more information, please see here.